Local Sourcing
CCBSA has shifted over R4.6bn of procurement spend to black owned companies, exceeding the target in the second year of the plan’s execution.

CCBSA also recognises that to give effect to the plan, it must support SMMEs with active supplier development. We therefore launched the CCBSA Skills Summit to impart business management and leadership skills for entrepreneurs. The ‘I Am An Entrepreneur’ University offers short-courses that focus on one key discipline area for the entrepreneur at a time.
The ‘I Am An Entrepreneur’ Advisory Boards provide coaching and advise the owners, assisting with strategic and business development.
Mintirho Foundation
The Coca-Cola Beverages Company South Africa (CCBSA) Mintirho Foundation was formed to promote the development of historically disadvantaged farmers and small suppliers of inputs in the CCBSA value chain through the funding of sustainable businesses. The foundation was formed as a result of the Competition Commision conditions agreed upon as part of the large merger between Coca-Cola Bottlers in South Africa.

Other Sustainability Areas
World Without Waste
Companies such as Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA) are a part of the crusade to curb the growing and unnecessary waste pile in local landfills via multilateral collaborations with local communities…
Water Stewardship
The Coca-Cola Water Stewardship Strategy 2030 is based on the reasoning that water is the primary ingredient for the company but that it should not be used at the detriment of communities’ survival.
Economic Inclusion
We have adopted the pillars of employability, education and entrepreneurship as a framework for its economic inclusion strategy. Our aim is to boost income, provide sustainable earning potential and…